Digital Education with coovi

Video platform for E-Campus & digitale Schools

E-Learning platform with video training, video portal with content management system (CMS), streaming software for live broadcasts and analytics tool with individual dashboards – our video platform coovi combines all of this. As an all-in-one solution, it thus requires only one software to enable digital learning at your educational institution.

Digitale Bildung an Schulen und Hochschulen

Digital teaching at universities and schools with coovi


Software for universities and colleges


Learning platform for students and teachers

Whether video lecture, digital classroom or online learning - coovi makes it possible

Through digital learning opportunities in the education sector, pupils and students learn to deal with today’s technologies beyond the private environment and to use them efficiently. Since the user interface of the coovi learning platform can be accessed via the browser in responsive design and via the iOS or Android app, the step towards digital education is very easy!

The most important coovi features for your online teaching:

This is how universities and students
use the coovi video platform.

So schools and
pupils use coovi

So nutzen Hochschulen und Studierende die Videoplattform coovi

So verwenden Schulen und Schüler:innen coovi

Individual user and access management

Assign rights and roles to your college and learners and allow access only to the areas you specify. Easily connect to your identity provider via our LDAP interface for your Active Directories.


From explorer with limited access rights to publisher with full scope access, choose from eight different role types.

Password Protection

Additionally, protect your sites and the content stored there with a password.

Access restrictions

For each of your areas (so-called sites) you can define individually which users have access.

74% of the teachers and students surveyed believe that teaching concepts will have to be adapted more to the digital world in the future.

Mobile & Microlearning

New learning methods for e-campus & digital schools

Whether on a smartphone, tablet or PC, on the train, bus or at home – digital learning content can be deployed and used in a versatile and flexible way. On the road, you don’t even need an Internet connection, because in the coovi apps you can download content in advance to view it offline later. Mobile learning thus becomes easily accessible to everyone. What’s more, short, digital learning nuggets, which are the hallmark of microlearning in particular, can be perfectly integrated into everyday life. Prepare and review learning content independently of time and place, access video materials digitally, and still learn together.

Lernvideos an Schulen nutzen
DSGVO-konforme Videoplattform

Protected information exchange

Video platform made in Germany - For digital education without security leaks

Digital learning is more in demand than ever - and soon at your educational institution, too!